NASS Insider

February 13, 2024

Unlock the Art of Teaching Practical Skills

Practical exercises serve as opportunities for learners to practice and enhance their competencies. It is crucial to consistently apply a learning model to facilitate effective teaching and learning.

Module 7 of the NASS Online Faculty Development Program, titled “Managing Practical Exercises,” will allow you to gain insights into the key stages and rationale of teaching practical skills. You will learn how to define the role of practical exercises, identify common challenges in running practical sessions, and lead learning activities effectively. The module is presented by John C. Liu, MD, a neurosurgeon from Los Angeles, California.

This 7-part course is free to NASS members and available to all members and nonmembers in the medical field. Upon completion of the course, 1.75 Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits will be awarded. "Many of us love to teach and educate individuals interested in learning about spine surgery. It's important to ensure that you have the right skills and perspective to deliver long lasting results. This 7-module program is easy to navigate, and can be done in a timely fashion. You will be sure to enhance the engagement of your mentees after completing this course."    
Sandeep N. Gidvani, MD, FAAOS, Orthopedic Spine Surgery, Golden State Orthopedics and Spine